Country Living in Leeton: Insights from Locals Rachal Broadbent & Hannah Williams

October 6, 2023

Country Living in Leeton: Insights from Locals Rachal Broadbent & Hannah Williams

Find out what it's like to make that country change to Leeton - this month we're joined by locals Rachal Broadbent & Hannah Williams who share their experiences living in Leeton Shire.

Rachal who is from Leeton, and Hannah who made the move from Newcastle around 4 years ago work together at Murrumbidgee Investment Services, a leading real estate agent in the Leeton and Narrandera area and the only agency in the Riverina who wholly focuses on property management.

We dive into what the lifestyle is like in a country town, abundant opportunities, and what to expect when looking at the housing compared to metropolitan areas.

If you’re dreaming of life in the vibrant regions of the Riverina or Murray, visit Country Change for more information or contact us to help guide your own Country Change!

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